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Self Employed Income Support Scheme – Fifth Grant

22nd July 2021
As the Self Employed Income Support Scheme winds down for, what we can only hope is the final time, there are some additional complexities to consider in the claims process. There are two levels of grant award available on this occasion, calculated as either 80% or 30% of pre-pandemic income.  The level of grant available...

Self Employed Income Support Scheme Changes

4th November 2020
UPDATE 4th November 2020 To coincide with the changes to the CJRS and JSS , the SEISS (Self Employment Income Support Scheme) will be doubled back up to the previous amount of 80% of average trading profits for the entirety of November and the claims window for this brought forward from 14 December to 30...
Are you ready for SEISS checks

Are you ready for SEISS checks?

11th August 2020
You claimed a Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant. Whilst it wasn’t too difficult to qualify, it is important to know that HMRC will be checking claims further down the line. What records will you need to back up your claim? Partner Brona MacDogall advises. More information about record keeping for the Self-Employment Income Support...

Extension of the Self Employed Income Support Scheme

1st June 2020
Rishi Sunak announced an extension to the SEISS scheme in his speech of May 29. The scheme will now include a second and final grant payable in respect of the period 1 June to 31 August. As opposed to being another 80% of three months averaged profits up to a maximum of £7,500 this second...

Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS)

4th May 2020
This week HMRC will start contacting people to invite them to apply for the SEISS. The scheme is due to pay out in early June once applications have been processed. The payment will be made in one single instalment covering the three month period from 1 March to 31 May 2020 and is capped at...